Stream countless of machinima movies and series now on Baker+.
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Baker+ provides streaming content free of charge. No prepaid, subscription or one-time-payments are required to watch.
All content on Baker+ is displayed and distributed by their respective rightholders. No accounts are required to watch.
However, some features may only be accessible to registered user. The opinions and beliefs expressed in machinimas on
Baker+ are those of the respective rightholders and are not necessarily shared by Baker+.

Stream exclusive ORIGINALS
and stunning series!

Watch a variety of great machinimas.
Know the story of Lucy and Oli in “MALAIKA” (2019)?

You don’t? Dive right in and experience ARCEE Studios’ MALAIKA now!

Your favorite machinimas
ALL in ONE place!

Have you ever found yourself looking for a good machinima? Look no further! On BAKER+, you can find many versatile machinimas that can be your next favorite.  Stream more, see more.

Stream BAKER+ now on
ALL devices!

BAKER+ is accessible on ALL DEVICES with
access to internet. Enjoying a coffee
at a café? Why not watch your
favorite machinima at
the same time?

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