The Knuff has been found, but the search has only just begun. One day before the adventurous search for the lost Knuff reached its climax in the first part, the story of Deadlands takes its course. In the second part, we learn that things didn’t turn out the way they thought they would. New perspectives open up, full of unexpected surprises and twists. Piece by piece, the truth about Fliege’s death is revealed.

Directed and Written by: Julian Herm
VFX by: Florian Torgau
Music & SFX by: Jannik Schwerdt
Design & Models: Hendrik Haunschild
Cast: Florian Torgau, Jannik Schwerdt, Levke Kiefer, Julian Herm, Jasmin Curtz, Iris Morticia, Max W.

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